Kakais request UNAMI to help return Peshmerga to Kirkuk

Tags: Kirkuk disputed areas Kakai UNAMI
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — A Kakai delegation from Kirkuk with representatives from the Christian and Muslim communities of the Kurdistan Region visited UNAMI’s Sulaimani office asking for the redeployment of Peshmerga to their areas.

"We visited UNAMI. We told them that the Kakais of Kirkuk are faring through very bad conditions, that they don't have security. We asked them to urgently take over security for the area,” Sayid Sarhad Kakai, a member of the Kakai Council, told reporters following the meeting.

Sarhad added that since the Peshmerga left the area, the Kakais have been living in very bad conditions in and around Kirkuk and that the Iraqi Army isn't providing security.

The areas were controlled by Peshmerga until the October 16 events, when Peshmerga withdrew following an offensive by the Iraqi Army. ISIS has restarted activities along the area, including clashes with Hashd al-Shaabi, theft of property, and kidnappings.

Sarhad said without security, they will have to leave their areas: "Our situation deteriorates by the day.”

The group most recently kidnapped Farhad Agha, a prominent Kakai from his home, kidnapping three other workers working at his compound. 

"We frankly request from UNAMI and the United Nations for the Peshmerga to return as soon as possible for these areas," said Sarhad.

He said only Tobzawa and two other villages now have residents. Zanqar, Ali Saray and Kobani are deserted.

"There is intensive pressure on Kakai villages. In the letter, we have asked UNAMI to get to the rescue of the people a day sooner because the area is under danger,” Sarhad said.

Kirkuk is a diverse province home to Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, Christians, and other ethno-religious components. The status of Kirkuk is disputed with both Baghdad and Erbil laying claim. Since October 2017, the Iraqi military has been responsible for security.

The commander of all security forces under the Kurdistan Regional Government is Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani. He met with UNAMI head Jan Kubis in Erbil on Wednesday. Their talks centered on the political situation in Iraq following the still disputed parliamentary election on May 12.

The head of the Kurdistan Region Security Council, Masrour Barzani, met with US Maj. Gen Walter E. Piatt, a deputy coalition commander for transition on Tuesday.

“Discussed the renewed Peshmerga-ISF talks on potential operations in disputed territories in coordination with US-led Coalition,” the KRSC head tweeted.


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