Rudaw sees draft resolution from Arab leaders in Amman against Iran

Tags: Amman Summit Arab League Jordan Amman
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AMMAN, Jordan – Arab leaders at the 28th Arab Summit in Amman are urging action to condemn Iranian “meddling” in regional affairs in order to promote stability in the Middle East, according to a draft resolution seen by Rudaw. Lebanon, Tunisia, and Iraq have, however, expressed reservations about the resolution. 

“We meet in a difficult Arab era dominated by crisis and conflicts that deprive our region of the security and stability they need to attain our people’s rights,” Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi told his fellow foreign ministers in a pre-summit meeting, Reuters reported.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi travelled to Jordan on Tuesday evening to attend the summit.

A translation of the 15 points of the draft resolution follows. 

1: Emphasizing the significance of formulating relations between Iran and Arab countries on the basis of good neighbors, away from threats and the use of force, also condemning Iran’s meddling in the affairs of Arab countries, the Islamic Republic of Iran should be asked to give up its unacceptable actions as they diminish trust and pose threats to the security and stability of the region.
2: The Islamic Republic of Iran should assume responsibility for an attack on Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran and its consulate in Mashhad, and its commitment to international agreements should be demanded on this regard, especially the 1961 convention on diplomatic relations and the 1963 convention on consular relations.
3: Condemning remarks from Iranian authorities since they encourage animosity against Arabic countries, and asking the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to call on its officials to give up such hostile remarks and abandon their campaigns against Arabic countries given that that what they do is outright meddling in the internal affairs of Arabic countries.
4: Demanding the Islamic Republic of Iran give up their policy that escalates sectarian rivalries, and no longer support groups who destabilize the Gulf countries, and not support militias and armed groups inside the Arab countries.
5: Condemning the invasion of three Emirate islands (Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs) by Iran, and taking peaceful measures to restore the ownership of those islands to the Emirates according to international law.
6: Condemning any form of meddling by Iran in Bahrain’s affairs through supporting and training terrorists and sending arms and ammunition to them, putting an end to the remarks being made by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and terrorist Hezbollah that destabilize the situation; this is contrary to the basis of good neighbors and is a meddling in the internal affairs of the countries according to the UN and international law.
7: Praising the role of Bahraini security agencies since it was able to foil a terrorist plot in December 2016 supported by the Pasdaran army (Iranian Revolutionary Guards) and terrorist Hezbollah as it aimed at carrying out a series of terrorist actions in the Bahraini kingdom.

8: Rejecting Iran’s meddling in the Syrian crisis as it brings with it several negative implications including threats to sovereignty, future stability, security, and the unity of the country on a regional level. Such kind of meddling undermines efforts to bring peace and the resolution of the Syrian crisis according to the Geneva discussions.
9: Slamming Iranian meddling in Yemen’s affairs through supporting forces that stand against the legitimate government of Yemen as they will negatively affect the security of the country, neighboring countries, and the wider region.
10: Stressing the importance of the initiative taken by the Assistance Council of the Arab Gulf Countries, especially the speech of the Emir of Kuwait to the president of Iran, calling on Iran to positively respond to the initiative in an effort to further strengthening the region’s security. 

11: The importance of committing Iran to the implementation of Security Council Resolution 2231 of 2015, and the importance of adopting quick and effective measures to implement, inspect, supervise, and impose quick sanctions whenever Iran violates the resolution, and the importance of committing Iran to all nuclear peace treaties and considering the problems of the region’s environment.

12: The Secretary General should be asked to coordinate and work with the four-party committee which comprises foreign ministers under the leadership of the leader of the Emirates and membership of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the Secretary General for the sake of blocking the interference of Iran in Arab regions and getting support for endeavors to prevent these Iranian interventions.

13: Putting on the agenda Iran’s meddling in Arab countries’ affairs by the Arab countries for the Arabic assistance forums with countries, regional, and international groups.
14: Turning to the United Nations to put this matter on its agenda according to section 2 of Article 7, as designed to reject meddling in the Arab countries’ affairs.
15: Asking the head of the league to monitor the implementation of the decision and put it forward in the next ordinary round of the Arab League of Nation’s summit.



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