Exclusive: Deadly clashes in Diyarbakir caught on camera

Tags: Turkey clashes
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Exclusive footage from a Rudaw reporter captures Saturday's violent clashes in the Kurdish city of Diyarbakir in southeastern Turkey.

Tahir Alci, head of ‪Diyarbakir Lawyers' Syndicate, is among those reported dead in the clashes between ‎Turkish police and militants, who at this time remain unidentified.

The footage shows several bloody bodies on the ground as gunfire sounds in the background.
At least three journalists and three police officers were also reported injured.

Alci was with other lawyers holding a press conference calling for peace between Turkish security forces and PKK fighters when gunfire broke out.

Alci was killed after being shot in the back of the head  in  the clashes.

He was a prominent Kurdish lawyer who had been advocating the rights of the Kurdish nation in Turkey since 1991.


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