FM Cavusoglu: Saudi Arabia is deploying jet fighters to Turkey

Tags: Turkish Foreign Minister Turkey Saudi Arabia Saudi fighter jets
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The Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is deploying fighter jets to Turkey's Incirlik Airbase in the southeastern frontier province of Adana shortly after announcing it may send ground forces into Syria. 

"Saudi Arabia declared its determination against Daesh [Islamic State] by saying that they were ready to send both jets and troops," Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu was quoted as saying by the Turkish Yeni Safak and Haberturk newspapers. 

"At every coalition meeting we have always emphasized the need for an extensive result-oriented strategy in the fight against the Daesh terrorist group," he added. "If we have such a strategy, then Turkey and Saudi Arabia may launch an operation from land." 

"At the moment it is not clear how many planes will come," Cavusoglu said. 

On the prospect of Saudi ground operations Cavusoglu explained, "This is something that could be desired but there is no plan. Saudi Arabia is sending planes and they said 'If the necessary time comes for a ground operation then we could send soldiers'."

"We have been cooperating with Saudi Arabia in many fields, especially in defense, as we have very close relations with Qatar," the Turkish foreign minister explained. "Also despite having some problems with the United Arab Emirates, now are recovering ties. These cooperations have significance for the stability and the security of the region." 

"Some say Turkey is reluctant to take part in the fight against Daesh [ISIS]'," Cavusoglu acknowledged. "But it is Turkey that is making the most concrete proposals."


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