One killed in Turkish heavy weapon fire on Syrian Kurdish town

30-10-2018 5 Comments
Tags: Rojava HXP
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QAMISHLI, Syria – Turkish forces fired on the Rojava town of Tal Abyad, killing one member of the Kurdish self-defence forces. 

The ruling Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syria confirmed  the death, saying the member of the self-defence forces was shot by the Turkish army. A second member of the force was injured.

Turkey began firing with heavy weapons around 9.30 Tuesday night, Rudaw’s correspondent in Rojava reported. It is ongoing. 

The Turkish army opened fire from a military vehicle, targeting the gate of Tal Abyad, known as Gire Spi in Kurdish, according to local media ANHA news. 

One member of the Self-Defence Forces (HXP) was killed and another injured, according to the reports. 

Ankara considers the Kurdish forces in Rojava, northern Syria as branches of the PKK. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said that preparations were complete for a military offensive against the Kurds east of the Euphrates River. 

Updated at 11:45 pm


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  • 30-10-2018
    Obvously the American adm. has sold kurds out, otherwise Erdo would never risk a clash if he knew there would be a US responce. That would mean a huge humilation and loss of the upcoming election for him
  • 30-10-2018
    Strike a deal with Russia and Assad before uncle Sam sells Rojava bit by bit for more "concessions" from Erdogan.
  • 30-10-2018
    All kurdish forces should immdeatly withdraw from fighting ISIS in the south and be sent north to face the Turkish threat. Don't make it easy for Turkey to invade. Let the bloody coaltion deal with ISIS themselves.
  • 30-10-2018
    Last time Turkey got the blessing from Russia, Nato, France and UK to carry out the genocide in Afrin. This time the blessing came from France, Germany and Russia. Pompeo went to Turkey, the following day Turkey dropped 2000 tons fire on Kurdistan. Who cared for what went on the lives of innocent and defenseless people of Kurdistan. It must be very confusing for Kurds to know who is friend and who is foe? The reality of the matter is, and it is a proven fact that Kurds have no friend. You can see so many people come and go, giving Kurds a pat on the back and pretend that they are friends, they abuse the Kurdish hospitality and Kurdish worm welcome and once they go away, they plot against Kurds. And no matter how hard Kurds try and put up the top level sacrifices, at the time of need, you cannot find a friend. They have tied the hands of KRG preventing them to come to aid their brothers and sisters in Rojawa against the fascist regimes of Turkey. Whatever the Kurdish leaders, parties, government and authorities have done for those false friends, what those false friends have ever done for Kurds apart from bringing more miseries and catastrophe? Don't you think now it is time for Kurds to disregard those false friendships and unify against the the enemy of Kurdistan; giving them the taste of the hell the Kurds have been living in for centuries? Don't you think enough is enough?
  • 30-10-2018
    Why you make this news. The Kurdish trolls on Rudaw celebrate that Trump said Mr Kurd they lost Kirkuk Afrin but think sombody mockingly saying Mr Kurd will help them. That you are called Mr Kurd shows nobody takes you serious. KDP supporters dont understand policy they have nothing to offer and always think Trump or west would love them they will always think that no need to discuss with them. Just watch how they lose more while trusting west Israel from Syria FSA will fire at Peshmerga and we all know one bullet makes Peshmerga flee.