UPDATE: 68 SDF fighters killed in ISIS attack: monitor

27-10-2018 9 Comments
Tags: Syria Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) ISIS
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – ISIS militants killed 68 members of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in Hajin, eastern Syria overnight on Friday, a war monitor reported Saturday. It initially reported 41 killed.

“The death toll has increased due to the discovery of new victims on the front line and the existence of 100 wounded,” Rami Abdel Rahman, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights chief, told AFP.

Sean Ryan, spokesman for the US-led coalition, told AFP “at this time, numbers cannot be confirmed as both sides are taking casualties as this difficult fight... continues”.

“[A] sandstorm allowed an ISIS counterattack, which was surprising given the conditions, but now the air is clear, the coalition will continue to increase air and fire support to assist our partners,” he added.

The jihadist group reportedly launched a wave of suicide bombings overnight as part of a counter-attack against the US-backed SDF, which is attempting to dislodge ISIS from its last holdout near the Iraqi border. 

According to a statement posted on Telegram, ISIS attacked the village of Sousa and detonated a car bomb in Al-Baghuza to the south, the Observatory reports. 

The attack is a further setback for the SDF in eastern Syria, which reportedly suffered losses in Hajin on Wednesday.

According to the Observatory, ISIS captured 10 SDF fighters, seized two American Hummer vehicles, and radio communications equipment on Wednesday.

“Ten fighters at least of the SDF were captured by the organization,” the monitor said, claiming the fate of six others is unknown. 

Coalition forces have also reportedly suspended air support missions in the area. 

When approached by Rudaw, the US-led coalition declined to comment on the incident or the alleged suspension of air support. 

A Kurdish commander said last week that the fight against ISIS is taking “longer than expected,” because of weather conditions and the concentration of hardcore jihadists with years of fighting experience.

Last updated 7:47 p.m. 


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  • 29-10-2018
    So the Kurds are hiding the reports that American warplanes accidentally (was actually on purpose to help ISIS) bombed Kurdish forces.
  • 29-10-2018
    @ Azad, what's the connection between SDF and the PKK? You are indeed a Turkish troll. SDF is a multi ethnic Syrian fighting force. PKK on the other hand is a guerrilla fighting force based in Turkey. If SDF is PKK then Colombian Farc rebels are Chinese! Get it???
  • 29-10-2018
    This sounds like Assad the Russians and Iranians switched side and aiding the Turks which is Isis. Sooner or later the rest of the world will be vacuumed into this world war.
  • 28-10-2018
    do we need more proofs SDF are just puppets and not real force? Iraq with Syria and support from Russia, Iran and Turkey should just come in and secure eastern syria as it is not acceptable that all that sdf/ypg with all american, french, polish ue/nato support cant take a few villagges on a desert for over a year!
  • 28-10-2018
    To the lying, ISIL supporting donkey, who says "stop killing kurds". ISIL is on it's way in becoming a major threat in Iraq again, if Americans and Kurds don't take them out in Syria now they'll reemerge there as well. SDF might loose a couple of dozen fighters today, but it will be nothing compared to later if they don't take them out now. The Americans will now give more military aid to SDF because of this, and that's whats really bothering you and your turkish masters.
  • 28-10-2018
    pre-Boomer Marine brat
    I like to think, the Jihadis get to Paradise and discover that the "virgins" are indeed virgin, but instead of girls, are young male baboons ... When the virgins grow up, it'll be quite an experience for the Jihadis.
  • 27-10-2018
    Why? Why is PKK rrushing this operation? The war against ISIS is over. The 1 or 2 remaining small pockets can be dealt with over a long period of time. What's the hurry? Do you plan on capturing these areas so you can start urgent construction projects and development in this desert region? When you rush not only do scores of innocent civilians die, but even if PKK does not care about civilians of other ethnicities, do they not care about their own fighters? Do they not care about the young kurds they send to war on behalf of America? Why are they taking all these risks for a populist America that will turn on you any day? Have you ever heard of a battle in which hundreds of american soldiers were killed and dozens captured and beheaded? No because they take care of their soldiers and dont send them on suicide missions. Ofcourse America wans PKK to do this dirty job but why is PKK agreeing to this? They know America cannot be trusted anymore. Slow down. Let the final battle take YEAARS! If that saves just 1 civilian or fighter then it's worth every minut. No reason to hurry just so Trump can declare victory and TV and take credit.
  • 27-10-2018
    Stop killing Kurds
    STOP KILLING KURDS ... I CALL THE U.S AND THE S.D.F. TO STOP KILLING KURDS. I am sure that the SDF and the U.S are killing Kurds on behaf of Turkey. It is not the ISIS that kills Kurds, it is Turkey and its PKK army and the US who kill Kurds. Stop this atrocitious genocide against the Kurds.
  • 27-10-2018
    ISIS takes advantage of bad weather conditions, but the weather will not always stay bad. ISIS is a sinking ship and none of the rats will survive.