Death toll in Qamishli bombing rises to 50; world offers condolences, assistance

Tags: Qamishli PYD ISIS war
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—The death toll in a double bombing in the Gharbi district of the Kurdish city of Qamishli in Rojava, northern Syria has risen to 50; more than 175 have been wounded. 

Hospitals in the city have asked the Kurdistan Region for medicine, especially pain killers and anti-infection agents. The prime minister of the Kurdistan Regional, Nechirvan Barzani has said that his government “is ready to use all its resources to assist those affected by the terrorist attacks.”

President Masoud Barzani echoed the region's readiness to assist the people of Qamishli. "[T]he President called upon the officials in Dohuk to provide the needed assistance to the people of the town of Qamishlo as they come to terms with these cowardly terrorist attacks," reads a statement from his office. 

A convoy of medicine is expected to arrive in Qamishli soon. 

The twin bombs went off in the same area Wednesday morning. The first bomb is believed to have been an explosive-laden truck and the Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the truck bomb attack two hours after the explosion. 

A second explosion occurred as people rushed to the scene of the first bombing to help the wounded. ISIS made no mention of the second bombing in their claim of responsibility.

Qamishli is the largest Kurdish city in Syria and the main capital of the Rojava administration.

Democratic Union Party (PYD) security forces known as Asayesh are in charge of policing. The Syrian regime also maintains a symbolic presence in the city. The bombing occurred in a neighbourhood that is home to PYD offices.

Kurdish and international figures have condemned the bombings and offered their support to the city. 

In a statement, Prime Minister Barzani condemned the bombings and vowed that Kurds will remain strong in the face of the terrorist threat. 

“I strongly condemn the terrorist attacks in Qamishli, which claimed the lives of dozens of civilians. I convey my condolences to the families of the victims, and wish a speedy recovery to the injured,” he stated. 

“By committing this heinous crime, terrorists have once again proved that they are true enemies of the Kurds and humanity in general. However, the Kurds will remain steadfast in the fight to eliminate terrorism in the region.”

Safeen Dzayee, the KRG’s spokesperson, reiterated that the Kurdish government is ready to help the people of Qamishli. 
Brett McGurk, Special US Presidential Envoy for the anti-ISIS coalition, pledged ongoing support for Kurds in Syria.

Dr. Mahmoud Othman, veteran Kurdish politician and former Iraqi MP, Falah Mustafa, head of foreign relations for the KRG, and Hemin Hawrami, head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party’s (KDP) foreign relations office, also condemned the terrorist attack.
Barham Salih, former KRG prime minister and former Iraqi deputy prime minister, expressed hope that Rojava will succeed in its dream of freedom, tweeting in Kurdish, "Qamishli was bloodied in a terrorist crime today. I am sure Rojava eventually will achieve freedom."


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