Russia wants more details about upcoming US troop deployment to Syria

Tags: Syria US Russia
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Russia has urged the United States to give it more details about its upcoming deployment of a further 250 special forces soldiers to Syria and to be "consistent" with its Syrian policy.

"If the policy of Washington is so large-scale in the [Middle East] region, we would like to see it [be] more consistent," Russia's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Russia's Tass news agency on Wednesday. "People who consider themselves world leaders cannot change their decision, and of course they should be true men of their word."

"We would like to comprehend what this is all about: whether this is a one-time action, who these people are and where they will be stationed," she continued, "what they are dispatched there for and whether this is part of a program or a plan."

US President Barack Obama announced on Monday that 250 special forces will be dispatched to Syria.

There are already 50 special forces soldiers in Syria who are there to advise the Syrian Kurds fighting Islamic State (ISIS). The US has already provided the Russians details about where these forces are located so their forces in Syria do not accidentally clash with them.


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