Coalition-supported SDF push ISIS out of Hajin town - monitor

Tags: Hajin SDF ISIS
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Syrian Democratic Forces routed ISIS fighters from Hajin town on Friday morning, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

The UK-based monitor reported that after fire support from the US-led Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, the extremists had been routed.

The SDF is an umbrella group supported by the coalition. Throughout the ISIS conflict, the predominately Kurdish Peoples' Protection Units (YPG) formed the backbone of the force.

Images shared on social media show the SDF flag flying in the central bazaar on Thursday

Hajin is located in the Euphrates River valley, where some 2,500 ISIS militants have been fighting to hold onto their last significant territory after losing the swathes of Iraq and Syria they once controlled. 

Mustafa Bali, the head of the SDF press office, said fighting remains in the Hajin pocket on Friday.

"The Hajin liberation campaign continues until finishing the mission," he said in a three-point statement.

Hajin town is about 30 kilometers north of al-Boukamal - al-Qaim border crossing with Iraq. The statement indicates while ISIS may have been pushed out of the town fighting remains in the Hajin pocket.

Bali also touched on SDF's continued coordination with the coalition "at the highest levels" in regards to border patrols and observation posts along the Turkish border.

"Anything outside those three points is nothing but a Turkish propaganda war conducted by the special war directorate," claimed Bali.

Operation Roundup began on May 1. Its goal is to clear ISIS east of the Euphrates and establish border security between Iraq and Syria to hinder the group's movements.

Update: 2:34 p.m.


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