Iraqi parliament appoints defense and interior ministers

Tags: Iraqi parliament defense minister interior minister Haider al-Abadi
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BAGHDAD, Iraq – The Iraqi parliament has approved two candidates put forward by Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to fill the vacant positions of the ministers of defense and interior, two key security positions left unoccupied since last year.
In a vote in the parliament on Monday, Qasim al-Araji from the ruling State of Law Coalition was approved for the Ministry of Interior. Irfan al-Hayali, of the Mutahidun faction headed by former parliament speaker Osama al-Nujaifi, was approved to head up the Ministry of Defense.
The former Defense Minister Khalid al-Obeidi lost a confidence vote in the parliament last August for allegedly "misusing his office." The former Interior Minister Muhammad Ghabban resigned last July following the deadly Karada bombings in Baghdad which killed more than 300 people.
The legislative body voted down two candidates for the Ministries of Commerce and Industry.
Abadi met with parliament speaker Salim al-Jaburi before the vote and attended the parliamentary session on Monday.


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