12 dead after car bomb explodes in Baghdad market

Tags: car bomb civilian casualties
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BAGHDAD, Iraq – A car bomb went off near the busy Jamila wholesale market in Baghdad’s Shiite district of Sadr City Monday morning killing 12 people and wounding at least 28 others, Iraqi officials said. 

"It was a thunderous explosion," Hussein Kadhim, who was wounded in his right leg, told the Associated Press.  "It sounds that the security situation is still uncontrollable and I'm afraid that such bombings will make a comeback."

A medical official speaking on the condition of anonymity confirmed the casualties, saying the death toll was expected to rise.


ISIS claimed responsibility for the bombing in an online statement, although AP could not verify the authenticity.

The bombing comes as the Iraqi military announced it had fully liberated the town of Tal Afar from ISIS on Sunday. Military operations are ongoing north of the Tal Afar.

ISIS still controls Hawija south of Kirkuk and areas of western Anbar province. The extremist group has frequently carried out bombings and suicide attacks on civilians as they suffer major defeats on the battlefield. 


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