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Hunar Ahmed
Just seven areas totaling less than 1.5 square-kilometers in Old Mosul remain to be cleared of ISIS militants, Iraq’s War Media Cell has announced. 

Due to intense fighting between Iraqi forces and ISIS militants and ongoing airstrikes, Farouq district in Old Mosul lies in ruins. 

The US-trained Iraqi Counter-Terrorism Services (CTS), the Army’s 16th Brigade, and the Federal police have cleared half of the old city, the War Media Cell stated on Tuesday night. 

The Iraqi forces in Old Mosul now battle ISIS within hand-grenade range.   

The area yet to be retaken totals 850 by 1,700 meters (1.445 sq km) in the old city — notably Al Farouk 2 neighborhood, Hazra al-Sada and Hamdia districts, Ras al-Khor, and the destroyed al-Nuri Mosque and al-Hadba Minaret, along with other holy sites. 

Additionally, al-Sarjakhana market, along with Bab al-Jadid and Bab al-Tub areas are still being cleared including al-Najafi and al-Sakher bazaars. 

Security forces launched a final push to drive out ISIS militants in Old Mosul on June 18. 

ISIS militants blew up the al-Nuri Mosque last week where the ISIS leader declared his so-called caliphate about three years ago. 

Though leaders say defeat of ISIS in the city is imminent, Iraqi forces have faced counterattacks through re-infiltration in once-cleared areas.