UN rights chief warns Iraq must plan for post-ISIS era now

Tags: UN rights chief Iraq ISIS war sectarianism
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Kate Gilmore, the UN’s Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, has warned that all leaders in Iraq must start deciding on how to restore rule and order once the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) has been defeated.

“All the leaders of Iraq, at every level, in both word and action, need to demonstrate a far greater commitment to peace, equality and to the rule of law than to grievances or to vengeance hardwired by sectarianism.” Gilmore said at the conclusion of her Iraq visit, according to the UN’s news website.

“There is a worrying absence of a political narrative that brings together all the diverse communities in Iraq, a narrative that includes all the minority communities. This must be urgently addressed,” Gilmore warned.

She added that Iraqis are “crying out for fairness, recognition, justice, appreciation and meaningful participation in shaping their future – a process that goes forward and not backwards.”
Gilmore’s words come as dangerous political tensions, sectarian violence and fighting continue across Iraq.

Baghdad has been the center of protests since last month, with hundreds of Iraqis from other parts of the country pouring into the capital’s Tahrir Square, for a million-man march planned for Tuesday, called by Shiite firebrand cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

Protesters are planning to call for the ouster of corrupt politicians, demanding that Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi throw out crooked officials and announce a new cabinet.

Meanwhile, tensions and violence have been escalating between Iraq’s autonomous Kurds and the Shiite Hashd al-Shaabi militia that is loyal to the Baghdad government.  At least six Peshmerga, 40 Shiite fighters and four civilians dead are reported dead from fighting that erupted Saturday.

The UN rights chief criticized Iraqi leaders, saying: “Iraq, it seems, has a long memory but is short on vision.”

She said that “firm steps must be taken – now – to plan for the day after ISIL, steps that broaden inclusion and deepen fairness, including through structured local, regional and national dialogue on inclusion, peaceful co-existence and mutual respect.” 


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