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27 Photos
Robert Edwards
Robert Edwards

With a convoy of security, France's former President Francois Holllande departed the Kurdistan Region's capital of Erbil for an hour-long drive to where ISIS leader Abu Bakir al-Baghdadi declared their so-called "caliphate" of Mosul.


Iraq's second-largest city is still recovering from the three-year conflict. Infrastructure, churches, and mosques are still being rebuilt.


He toured the eastern half of the city, meeting with clergy and talking to reporters.


Then Hollande crossed a makeshift pontoon bridge into western Mosul. The right bank was heavily damaged in the conflict and work continues.


However, he was upbeat


"The international community played its role, the coalition helped Iraqis to defeat Daesh. But now the international community must be a great support to rebuild and stabilize Iraq," he said.

Photos by Rob Edwards | Rudaw