Kids play with ISIS-planted landmine in Kobani, cause explosion

Tags: Kobani ISIS-planted landmine Kurds ISIS war
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A land mine set off on Sunday in Bobani, a village near Syria’s Kurdish city of Kobani, caused serious injuries to eight children who were playing in the area, Hawar news agency reported.
The eight children were reportedly playing with the mine before it exploded. Five of them were reported in critical condition at the hospital.
The Islamic State group launched major offenses twice in Kobani, massacring civilians, including women and children. The militants were eventually driven out by the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) fighters with the support of Peshmerga forces and US-led coalition airstrikes.
The town is a powerful symbol of Kurdish resistance, with some referring to it as the "Kurdish Stalingrad."
ISIS-planted mines continue to threaten residents travelling back home after the city’s liberation. 


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