Kurdish forces kill tens of ISIS foreign fighters near Mosul dam

Tags: Peshmerga Mosul dam ISIS Shingal
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—Kurdish military commanders said that their forces killed 124 Islamic State (ISIS) fighters, including seven leaders near the Mosul Dam today.

“ISIS fighters launched a wide scale attack on the Peshmerga positions today, in Sahlij village and Ein Mani'a west of the Mosul dam, but the Peshmerga forces confronted them and repelled the attacks,” said a senior military commander in the area.

The commander said that among the killed are seven ISIS leaders and that the bodies of 70 dead militants are in the hands of the Peshmerga forces.

According to the Peshmerga, most of the militants who were killed today were of Uzbek and Chechen nationality.

The Kurdish commander named the ISIS leaders as: Abu Bilal, Abu Baraa al-Turki, Abu Akram al-Turki, Abu Muslim al-Turki, Abu Sumaya al-Turki, Abu Abdul Hmaid al-Turki and Muhamad Rasul Beg al Masri.

Only two Peshmerga fighters were wounded in the attack, according to the commander.

Today’s confrontations were the second attack by the Islamic group against the Peshmerga in the last 24 hours.  

On Tuesday ISIS militants, including two suicide bombers attacked the Kurdish positions near the dam, but they were repelled, leaving several dead behind.



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