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At least five civilians, including three children, have been injured in cross-border shelling by Iranian military forces on Sunday in the area of Erbil province's border with Iran. 

Iran shelled the Berkma and Barbzin areas in Sidakan, a few kilometres within the Kurdistan Region borders in the Soran district of Erbil province as well as Doli Alana, Rash Harman and Kuna Re in Haji Omeran, which are within the Choman district of Erbil province.

Many residents fled the bombings, moving towards Sidakan. 
A witness in the area reported an Iranian military helicopter flying very low along the border. It is believed the aircraft was providing information for forces on the Iranian side of the border firing artillery into the Kurdistan Region on the pretext of the presence of forces and bases belonging to the Kurdish Democratic Party of Iran (KDPI).