Islamic bosses in Sulaimani issue fatwa against online video game PUBG

24-10-2018 7 Comments
Tags: Islam fatwa video games PUBG
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The Islamic religious authority has issued a religious edict, a fatwa, against a popular online video game it says is making people “obsessed.”

“We decided that working on PUBG is haram [religiously prohibited] because it has caused a considerable number of people to be obsessed with it and waste their time,” Irfan Rasheed, head of the fatwa committee in Sulaimani, told Rudaw.

PUBG stands for PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds. It is an online multiplayer game, one of the genre known as Battle Royale. In it, 100 players drop into an abandoned map. Upon landing, they have to find gear and supplies to kill other players in order to be the last man standing in the zone as the map shrinks. 

It has created a culture of its own and has become one of the largest online gaming communities. It is popular among youth in the Kurdistan Region, especially in Sulaimani. 

There are reports the game has created relationship problems for people obsessed with it. One couple reportedly divorced after the wife refused to donate blood to her husband during the game, instead giving it to another unknown player. 

Some youth spend hours playing the game, which the religious committee described as a “waste of time.”

“Islam rules that wasting time for no reason is haram. This game falls in this framework and a mounting number of people in Kurdistan are obsessed with it, without it having a benefit for these people and those around them,” said Rasheed.


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  • 25-10-2018
    video games better then wasting half u life living in fear of some fake brutal god n religion and hamper ur brains development, stay infantile. And this is the worst of the religions. I whis´h there was a fatwa baning islam
  • 25-10-2018
    WOW Complete idiots .. please rid our beautiful land of these backward, stuck in the 1500's goat nose preachers.. its almost as bad as seeing this Erdogans best mate Kashoggi bullshit on rolling 24hr news .. YAWN... BIJI KURD W KURDISTAN!!
  • 24-10-2018
    lol.. the only thing worse than corruption, tribalism and nepotism are these backwards idiots.
  • 24-10-2018
    That is correct. It is written in Quraan, Chapter X, Verses Y it says "Video game PUBG is forbidden"; Check it. For pity's sake; the time of "fuckwa" has gone. It is time of established law and order. You are saying "Islam rules that wasting time for no reason is haram". Well, by that stupid rule of yours, you have put fuckwa on yourselves by wasting peoples presious time.
  • 24-10-2018
    Thats good, People waste more than half of the day online games and other stuff.. look at trolls here 24 hours a day online repeting KDP propaganda while sitting somewhere in europe. Why they dont go fight insted of telling others to go to fight.
  • 24-10-2018
    yeah join religious mobsters and get brainwashed instead
  • 24-10-2018
    kurdish natinalist
    Islamic bosses can get too hel becuse they are terorrist leder for terorrist Region like islam.