VIDEO: 60 dead ISIS militants left behind in Makhmour defeat

Tags: ISIS Peshmerga Mekhmour Warplanes
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - ISIS militants have attacked Peshmerga frontlines twice in the last three days in the heights of Sultan Abdulla and on the Makhmour front.

In each case the militants were defeated, and repulsed in such a way they reportedly left behind 60 dead bodies for the first time.

ISIS suffered heavy casualties from the Peshmerga defense and coalition warplanes. Many bodies were abandoned in the village of Talarim, northweast of Mekhmor, and 20km from Mosul.

Peshmerga commanders said the warplanes arrived in the area very quickly and effectively hit the targets. Once the airstrikes started, the ISIS guns were silenced in about 90 minutes.


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