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Kurds gathered at funerals on Friday for four political refugees from Turkey who were killed in Turkish airstrikes near Makhmour on Thursday night.

The burials were held at a graveyard near the Martyr Rustam Cudi Camp in Makhmour.

ANF news identified the four as Asya Ali Muhammed, 73, Narinc Ferhan Qasim, 26, Eylem Muhammed Emer, 23, and Evin Kava Mahmud, 14. Hundreds attended their funeral on Friday. 

Turkish jets bombed alleged PKK positions in Makhmour and Mount Shingal (also known as Sinjar) on Thursday night. 

Turkey's Ambassador to Iraq was summoned by the foreign ministry on Friday after the "violation of Iraqi airspace." 

The camp in Makhmour hosts more than 12,000 Kurdish refugees who fled Turkish state persecution mostly in the 1990s. 

Photos: Ahmed Omer | Rudaw