PM Barzani: Baghdad 'not committed' to budget deal

Tags: KRG Baghdad oil budget Masoud Barzani Kurdistan parliament Yousif Mohammed.
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region –  If Baghdad is not willing to find a solution for the ongoing budget crisis with Erbil the Kurdistan Regional Government will find an alternative to working with the central government, Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani said at a press conference on Thursday with the Dr Yousif Mohammed, speaker of Kurdistan Parliament. 

“We warned the US officials that Baghdad is not committed to the budget law,” said Barzani.

He added: “Baghdad issues statements which do not serve any party.”

Barzani also said President Masoud Barzani has discussed the question of Kurdish independence in his meetings with world leaders.

The decrease in oil prices has been a disadvantage to the Kurdistan region, the officials said.  

“The Kurdistan region effectively suffered from the decrease of the oil price and now the KRG exports oil through the State Organization for Marketing of Oil,” Barzani said.   


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