Turkish artillery fire hits near Duhok resort

09-11-2018 3 Comments
Tags: Duhok Turkey PKK
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DUHOK, Kurdistan Region – Turkish artillery fire has caused material damage near a resort in Duhok province. 

Kamal Faruq, a resident of Shiladze, told Rudaw that 20 rockets from Turkey hit Avi Mark, near Gali Balinda resort, causing some material damage. 

Gali Balinda is located in the Amedi area of Duhok province. 

There were no casualties, Shiladze Councilor Warshin Salman told Rudaw. But the official confirmed the material damage. 

Turkish forces frequently target alleged PKK positions in the Kurdistan Region. 


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  • 10-11-2018
    Muraz Adzhoev
    Now some arab political blocks have to “support autonomy” for Basra, because they want to prevent somehow Basra’s separation from catastrophically failed, disastrously collapsed state sovereignty of artificially created arab islamic Iraq. The 100-years long bloody history of French-British criminal “Iraq and Syria projects” (following the First World War) has been approaching at last to its end.
  • 10-11-2018
    Muraz I love your comments . You remind me of a guy I met in a mental hospital . He kept telling people he is the king of England . Do you want me to give you the address of this hospital ? Maybe you can get some medical help ?
  • 09-11-2018
    Muraz Adzhoev
    Turkey, IRI and PKK can not prevent establishment of democratic secular (Southern + Western) Kurdistan sovereignly independent from deadly failed Iraq and Syria.