Kurdish officials congratulate Trump, hope for greater engagement with US

Tags: Donald Trump Masrour Barzani Peshmerga US President Safeen Dizayee Falah Mustafa Hemin Hawrami KRG
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Officials in the Kurdistan Region on Wednesday congratulated Donald Trump for winning the presidency and expressed hope that he will increase US support for the Kurdish people and Peshmerga fighters.


Masrour Barzani, head of the Kurdistan Region’s Security Council, congratulated Trump and reminded him that the Kurds have been America’s staunchest partners in the fight against terror.


“I congratulate Donald Trump on being elected the next U.S. President.”  Barzani tweeted on Wednesday


“We hope the president-elect will increase support to the Peshmerga and the Kurdish people as the most reliable, effective and trusted ally in the war on terrorism,” he added.

The Peshmerga have been fighting alongside the Iraqi Army in the ongoing offensive to liberate Mosul from ISIS.


Safeen Dizayee, spokesman of the Kurdistan Regional Government, tweeted that he looked forward to continued partnership with the United States under Trump.


“Congratulations to Mr.Trump on running a successful election campaign, we look forward to our continued partnership with the United States,” he said on his twitter account.

Hemin Hawrami, head of President Masoud Barzani’s Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), expressed hope that the new US president would increase US engagement and support for the Peshmerga.


“Warmly congratulate Donald Trump for his election. We do hope US will be more engaged and directly arm, train and support Peshmerga,” Hawrami said.


Falah Mustafa, head of the KRG’s Department of Foreign Relations, also congratulated the man who will become America’s 45th president.


“I congratulate the people of the United States of America on a successful election and President-elect Donald Trump on his victory,” said Mustafa.



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