All-female Kurdish Yezidi unit formed by Peshmerga

Tags: Peshmerga Yezidis ISIS Shingal.
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About 400 Kurdish Yezidi women have joined Peshmerga forces and established a special regiment to protect themselves and fight the Islamic State.

“We knew it would be challenging and hard for us. You may get killed or martyred and face lots of hardships,” said a female Peshmerga in the video. “But we stand our ground steadfastly and will face all of those threats to protect Kurds and Kurdistan.”

On August 3, 2014, ISIS launched a massive assault on the town of Shingal. Thousands of Kurdish Yezidi families fled to Mount Shingal fearing the group’s militants, and hundreds of men were massacred inside the town.

During the attack, more than 8,000 Yezidi Kurds were captured. Iraqi MP and Kurdish Yezidi Vian Dakhil told Rudaw on Sunday that 5,820 Kurdish Yezidis are held as hostages under ISIS control, and nearly 2,200 have been rescued.


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