Armed men ‘abduct’ 2 Kurds in Kirkuk

03-11-2018 2 Comments
Tags: Kirkuk Arabization Dubiz Dibis Peshmerga kidnapping
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Two Kurds, including one Peshmerga, were “abducted” by uniformed perpetrators late on Friday in Taqtaq village, Dubiz district, Kirkuk. The civilian's corpse was found on Saturday.

“The armed abductors were wearing military uniform and attacked Taqtaq village. After interrogating some people, they abducted two people, Fahmi Salih and Sarhan Mohammed, to an unknown place. The latter is a Peshmerga,” said Jassim Abdul-Rahman, head of Dubiz District Council, on Saturday.

Dubiz (also called Dibis) is located in the northwest of Kirkuk province.

Abdul-Rahman added they reported the incident to the Iraqi Security Forces who were hindered by a booby trap explosion when responding, so they could not immediately enter the village. 

“But on early Saturday the corpse of Fahmi Salih was found,” he explained of the civilian.

Abdul-Rahman did not provide further why the suspects conducted the kidnappings and killing.

However, disputes between local Kurds and the Arabs, who have been recently brought to Kirkuk, have swelled. 

The previous regime began an Arabization policy in strategic and oil-rich Kirkuk in 1975. Kurds were ejected from their lands which were given to Arabs from elsewhere in Iraq. 

Following the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, Kurds who could prove they were native to Kirkuk were returned per Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution. 

Following the events of October 2017, Kurds fled and acting Governor Rakan al-Jabouri, an Arab, has resumed the Arabization process. 


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  • 04-11-2018
    No Tpan actually there wasn’t peace an order when Kurds where in charge . The coward najmuldeen who ran away was mistreating the other residents of Kirkuk including Arabs and Turkmens . Confiscating property , imprisonment , misuse of power and corruption . So don’t make it all rosy. In any case , live with reality . The federal government is in charge now and that will never change . Live with it or keep crying like a baby .
  • 03-11-2018
    It's tragic to see how Kirkuk is slowly turning into Mosul and Basra since Iraqi "forces" took over . Deterioration on every level in just one year. Daily terrorist attacks, land grabs by Arab desert tribes, kidnappings and abduction, the collapse of all services have become daily occurrences. There was peace, stability, law and order and much better services when Kurds were in charge