Kurdistan Region marks 13th anniversary of 2004 Eid attacks in Erbil

Tags: Erbil 2004 Eid attacks
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As politicians welcomed people to celebrate the first day of Eid on February 1, 2004 at the Erbil offices of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), double suicide bomb attacks hit both offices, killing 101 and injuring 246.
On the 13th anniversary of the attack, Kafia Mohammed, who lost her husband and 12-year old son in the explosion, recalls kissing her son’s body. “I asked where is Hiwa and they brought me his body and said that’s him. I said but you told me he’s calling for me. I kissed Hiwa and told him ‘You didn’t spend Eid with me. You promised to spend Eid with me before you left.’”
The head of foreign relations for the Kurdistan Region, Falah Mustafa, attended a ceremony with foreign diplomats at Erbil’s Sami Abdulrahman Park Wednesday morning. Sami Abdulrahman was one of the victims of the bombings.


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