Czech president praises Kurds, talks independence

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Czech Republic President Milos Zeman reportedly said in a local interview Sunday that a Kurdish independent state will eventually be born in the Middle East amid ongoing tensions in the region, according to Russian government owned Sputnik news.

“I believe that sooner or later [Kurdistan] will declare its independence,” Zeman said during an interview on Czech TV Prima, a privately owned company broadcasting from Prague.

Zeman said that in past meetings with Masoud Barzani, president of the Kurdistan region, Barzani had expressed interest in holding a referendum  to declare independence.

Zeman praised Kurdish forces for being active in the fight against ISIS: “It is in fact the armed Kurds that are the only [ground] force that is at war with ISIL,” Zeman said, using an alternative acronym for the Islamic State.

The Czech Republic’s participation in the fight against ISIS, namely supplying weapons, has been integral since the war broke out in 2014. In December of that year, the Czech government sent 5,000 anti-tank missiles to the Kurdistan region to better arm the Peshmerga.