Protesters ignore Abadi's plea to stay home and gather in Baghdad's Tahrir Square

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Supporters of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr gathered in Baghdad's Tahrir Square once again on Friday asking for political reforms, Rudaw's correspondent reported.
According to Rudaw's Bahman Hassan, protesters are repeating their demands regarding political reforms in the Iraqi government.
Rudaw's correspondent reported clashes between protesters and security forces as security forces prevented protesters from entering Baghdad's restricted security area, the Green Zone, where the Iraqi Parliament and Iraqi Cabinet of Ministers as well as UN and foreign embassies are located.
Protesters have twice breached the Green Zone and briefly taken over parliamentary buildings. Last Friday, three protesters and one journalist were killed, and at least 570 people were treated at Baghdad hospitals when security forces opened fire on the protesters.
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi had yesterday asked protesters to stay home and not stage their weekly Friday demonstrations in order to allow security forces to focus on the battle for Fallujah, which was launched on Monday.