Iraq’s sovereignty, stability depends on relations with Kurdistan Region: Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron held a presser in Brussels on October 21, 2022. Photo: AFP
French President Emmanuel Macron held a presser in Brussels on October 21, 2022. Photo: AFP
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - French President Emmanuel Macron told Rudaw during a press conference in Brussels on Friday that Iraq’s sovereignty and stability is reliant on Baghdad-Erbil relations, reiterating his country’s support for the protection of the Kurdistan Region’s security.

More than a year after Iraq held parliamentary elections, a new president was elected and a prime minister-designate has been given 30 days to form a cabinet. However, the country’s sovereignty continues being violated by neighbouring countries and the fate of Erbil-Baghdad issues remain unclear. Relations between both governments have been harmed in recent years due to disputes over the Region’s right to export oil and its budget share. 

“Iraq’s sovereignty and stability depends on a calm relation with the Kurdistan Region. As all of you know,  I welcomed the Kurdistan Regional Government [officials] in 2017 and we discussed issues and held extensive talks with President [Masoud] Barzani and Nechirvan Barzani who was then prime minister,” Macron told Rudaw’s Alla Shally during a press conference in Brussel where European Union leaders are holding a summit to control energy prices.

Masoud Barzani is the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and he was the president of the Kurdistan Region when the Region held an independence referendum in 2017. Nechirvan Barzani is the incumbent president of the Region. 

“I hope for complete security for the Kurdistan Region and calm relations between Erbil and Baghdad in terms of finance and economy, especially so that Kurdistan Region’s security is protected by the region’s forces. Therefore, France will seriously continue its participation and role in the protection of this security, especially for boosting sovereignty,” the French President said. 

France and Iraqi Kurds have enjoyed strong relations for decades. France has been a key supporter of the Kurdistan Region since its establishment in the nineties. 

The position of Iraqi president has been held by Kurds for nearly two decades. Abdul Latif Rashid replaced Barham Salih as the president of the country earlier this month. He immediately tasked Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani to form a new government. Sudani will replace Mustafa al-Kadhimi if he succeeds in the task. Rashid is from the Kurdish Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) but was strongly supported by the KDP. Sudani is from a pro-Iran coalition. 

“I want to greet and express my respect to President Barham Salih and Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi for the work and bravery they showed in recent years. They were important partners and brave leaders, especially PM Kadhimi with whom we organized the Baghdad conference one year ago. France worked with all its partners in the region in order to create a unity to protect the sovereignty of Iraq and the security of the region,” Macron noted in his answer to Rudaw’s question. 

“I want to congratulate the new president and prime minister[-designate]. I hope I can speak to them in the near future. France hopes for Iraq to live in peace and wants its sovereignty completely respected by all regional countries,” he added. 


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