Barzani visits female Peshmerga studying at UK’s Sandhurst academy

LONDON - Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani visited the United Kingdom’s Sandhurst military academy on Friday where he met two female Peshmerga who are studying at the prestigious institution.

Lilos Khalid, 26, joined the Peshmerga three years ago and is attending Sandhurst for a year. 

“We have learned a lot of things here that we could implement within the ranks of the Peshmerga forces of Kurdistan. Such training is of great importance to us,” she said.

Medya Masti, 30, has completed a three-month course and is preparing to return home. She said the course was an intense challenge, but something she was lucky to have the chance to complete.

The UK has helped to train the Kurdish Peshmerga during the war against the Islamic State group (ISIS) and is part of a team of international allies working on major reforms of the Peshmerga ministry.

“It is an honor that they are being trained here, and we hope that they can implement what they learn here during this period in the Ministry of Peshmerga,” said Barzani.

Barzani was in the UK for three days this week, meeting Prime Minister Boris Johnson and key members of his cabinet.

Translation by Zhelwan Zeyad Wali
Video editing by Sarkawt Mohammed