Iraqi gas could be new energy source for Europe: Polish PM

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Friday that they are considering gas from Iraq as they look to end their energy reliance on Russia.

The Russia-Ukraine war, which began nearly a year ago, has exacerbated a global energy crisis as European countries look for alternatives to end their dependency on Russian natural gas.

Morawiecki told Rudaw in Munich on Friday that gas from Iraq could be a source of energy for Europe.

"Right now, we are going to replace 180 billion cubic metres of Russian gas, and we need new sources of gas. And the gas coming from Iraq could be one of those new sources. This could be a win-win situation for Poland and Europe, and Iraq and Kurdistan as well," he told Rudaw's Alla Shally.

Morawiecki added that he had a meeting with Kurdistan Region Prime Minister Masrour Barzani in Dubai recently and they discussed strengthening energy ties.

The Kurdistan Region exports close to half a million barrels of oil per day to the international market. It also has as much as 5.67 trillion cubic metres of natural gas reserves, which the Kurdistan Regional Government has said could put the region in a prominent position in global gas markets.