Rudaw inside the home of the man who killed 84 people in Nice

Rudaw correspondent Ala Shali visited Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel’s home in Nice. Bouhlel was the man who turned the French National Day into a massacre by ramming a truck into a crowd in Nice city,  killing 84 people.


Boulhel was living  alone. It is said that he plotted the attack from his home. Following the attack, the French police stormed it , and took whatever they found there. 


Four people related to Bouhlel have also been arrested by the police. His ex-wife is also in police custody.


“We were all shocked, because he used to live with us in the same building. He looked like a sick man, because he would never greet anyone. He did not fast during Ramadan. He was always drunk, and he also looked like a drug addict,” one of Bouhlel’s neighbors, told Rudaw 


The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attack, but the French police have not confirmed it yet. They only know that Bouhlel was in Tunisia eight months ago.