German stadium causes outrage for booking right-wing Turkish event

MAINZ, Germany - The German stadium Konig-Pilsener-ARENA located in the city of Oberhausen has caused a wave of anger among many in Germany by agreeing to host the Turk Federasyon (TF), a far-right radical Turkish organization that has been under German intelligence surveillance.

The Kurdish diaspora community in Germany, the largest in Europe, is among those angry at the stadium’s decision to host the April 26 event.

Meanwhile, French national and political activist Marine Ludwikowski, who lives in Germany, said she was upset about double standards displayed by the stadium managers.

“If it were German far-rights, the people responsible wouldn’t let them do this event in the stadium. So why let other radical groups spread their questionable ideology?”

On Thursday, the Konig-Pilsener-ARENA released a statement stating that in accepting the booking the operator of the stadium wanted to be fair to every group or organization, regardless of religious, political or cultural background. It said the event would not be cancelled unless ordered by a federal or state prosecutor.

Businessman Meik Lower, who is an event manager himself, said: “As an entrepreneur I understand the need of making money to keep your business alive, but sometimes there’s a line one shouldn’t cross. And this moral line is about to be crossed by the stadium in Oberhausen.”

Kurdish student Hozan Murad said that, “as a Kurd I am indignant about this event and the behavior of the responsible people. It is widely known that this organization is linked to the Grey Wolves, who are accountable for many murders against Kurds and other political opponents. Therefore I don’t understand, why they are being allowed to promote their ideology in such a big stadium.”

The Turk Federasyon is a Turkish organization in Germany linked to the right wing Grey Wolves and Turkish MHP party.

The Grey Wolves, who are being monitored by German intelligence, stand accused of responsibility for many political crimes and even murders.

The interior ministry of the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia says that the Grey Wolves create enemy stereotypes, especially of Kurds, Greeks, Armenians or religious groups like Jews or Christians. According to the ministry, threats by the Grey Wolves against these groups are common and go as far as death threats and lynchings.

A Facebook event is calling on people to rally or speak out against the TF-event if stadium operators do not rescind their decision. “Imagine 10,000 racists gather and nobody cares!” the organizers state.