US senator says had a ‘very good” meeting with President Barzani

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region -  US Senator Chris Van Hollen told Rudaw on Friday that he had a “very good” meeting with Kurdistan Region President Nechirvan Barzani in Munich. 

Barzani arrived in Germany on Friday to attend the 59th Munich Security Conference (MSC). He met with several officials and politicians, including US Senator Chris Van Hollen.

“We had a very good meeting. We talked about the continuing strong relationship between the United States and Iraq and the special relationship with our Kurdish friends in the KRG,” the senator told Rudaw’s Alla Shally. 

“I congratulated Mr. Barzani on the efforts to work with Baghdad to try to create a stable government. It is a long time coming but we are very pleased to see a new government, and we’d like to see the new government move forward on some critical issues, including the revenue sharing and the oil laws - these are long standing issues that need to be resolved and so I will be working to try to make sure that United States government encourages resolution,” he added. 

He also said that the US is helping the Iraqi army and Peshmerga in the fight against the Islamic State (ISIS), adding that this “close coordination” between these forces is “really important” to defeat ISIS.