British MP Zahawi confident of conservative win, hailing KRG for reforms

Conservative British MP Nadim Zahawi who is a candidate for Stratford-upon-Avon tells Rudaw he is confident that the British people will vote for Theresa May in today’s elections.

Because, he said, there will be one of the most important events in the history of Britain which is negotiations on Britain’s exit from the European Union.

The current government is working on the economy which has one of the fastest growing rates, he said, and the security of the country which, he added, has seen three devastating terrorist attacks, but five others foiled.

Britain will remain in Europe and part of the European family, they will only be out of the European Union, Zahawi said.

Meanwhile, he commended the Peshmerga for fighting ISIS on behalf of the UK and the world.

The terror attacks are the last gasps of a terrorist organization that has been destroyed by the Peshmerga, Zahawi said.

The KRG has not only been fighting ISIS, it has also been trying to fix its economy since it was cut off by Baghdad and I commend the Kurdish prime minister and his government, he concluded.