Has President Obama Overstepped His Authority?

Washington, D.C. - These days, Republicans are furious at President Barack Obama. You might think their concern has something to do with the rise of the Islamic State (ISIS), which many believe, is partially a result of Obama's failure to act against President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. 

But it’s not inaction that has made Obama critics most concerned. Quite the opposite, Republicans believe the President has abused his executive power, overstepping the authority granted to him by the constitution. 

Some have accused him of being an “emperor,” rather than the president of a free and democratic nation. Others call for his impeachment.

What has the president really done? Has he abused his executive power? 

To discuss this subject, Rudaw’s Namo Abdulla talks to:

- Philip E. Wolgin,  a Senior Policy Analyst on the Immigration Policy team at American Progress.

John Gizzi,  Newsmax's chief political columnist and White House correspondent.