Hakan Fidan's visit to Iraq enhances Turkish-Iraqi bonds

The foreign minister of the Republic of Türkiye, Hakan Fidan, conducted significant talks during his official visit to Iraq from August 22 to 24 in both Baghdad and Erbil. In Baghdad, Fidan held discussions with Iraq's foreign minister, president, prime minister, and other high-level officials, focusing on regional and international developments. The discussions covered the enhancement of bilateral relations, economic cooperation, water issues, counterterrorism efforts, and energy matters between the two countries. Furthermore, Fidan emphasized bilateral cooperation during meetings with leaders of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, judicial authorities, and officials from the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). 

Throughout the visit, the importance of Türkiye's support for Iraq's territorial integrity and stability was highlighted. Fidan emphasized Türkiye's role as a strategic partner for Iraq and the region, underlining the ongoing efforts to deepen collaboration.

Talks in Baghdad

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan's visit to Baghdad marked significant steps toward strengthening relations between Türkiye and Iraq. His meeting with Iraqi President Abdul Latif Rashid emphasized the need for enhanced bilateral relations and cooperation. Rashid acknowledged Türkiye's contributions to regional stability, underscoring the necessity of strategic cooperation between the two countries. The discussions focused on continued collaboration in counterterrorism efforts and the preservation of Iraq's territorial integrity.

Fidan also met with Iraq's Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein, discussing water resources and the equitable sharing of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Both sides agreed to establish a joint commission to address water-related issues. Economic matters, including the development of trade relations, resolution of customs and visa issues, and increased investment opportunities, were also central topics of discussion.

Additionally, Fidan held talks with Iraq's Prime Minister Mohammed Shia' al-Sudani, expressing Türkiye's support for his government's efforts to address infrastructure challenges in Iraq. Sudani noted Iraq's need for Türkiye's expertise in agriculture, industry, tourism, and investment sectors. This meeting highlighted the economic development focus of the cooperation between the two countries, particularly emphasizing the significance of the Development Road project.

Fidan also met with Ammar al-Hakim, the leader of the National Wisdom Movement, discussing counterterrorism collaboration and respecting Iraq's national sovereignty and regional stability. Hakim expressed gratitude for Türkiye's contributions to Iraq's stability and acknowledged the joint efforts in counterterrorism.

Furthermore, Fidan had a meeting with Iraq's former prime minister and leader of the State of Law Coalition, Nouri al-Maliki. Their discussion encompassed the strengthening of relations between the two countries, economic cooperation, counterterrorism efforts, and safeguarding national sovereignty. Maliki emphasized Iraq's need for a robust strategic partnership with Türkiye.

During a meeting with Iraq's Parliament Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi, the focus was on enhancing relations and boosting economic cooperation between the two countries. Water issues, national sovereignty, and regional stability were also addressed.

Hakan Fidan's comprehensive discussions during his Iraq visit included engagements with  Iraq's Defense Minister Thabet al-Abbasi, head of the Popular Mobilization Forces (Hashd al-Shaabi) committee Faleh al-Fayyad, and leader of the Badr Organization Hadi al-Ameri. These meetings emphasized the reinforcement of cooperation between the two countries, joint efforts in counterterrorism, and a commitment to regional stability.

Talks in Erbil

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan's visit to Erbil highlighted critical discussions with officials from the KRG. Fidan held separate meetings with Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) President Masoud Barzani, as well as Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, President Nechirvan Barzani, and Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani of the KRG.

The meeting with Prime Minister Masrour Barzani focused on strengthening relations and increasing cooperation across various sectors. The discussions particularly emphasized Türkiye's support for the KRG's oil sector and the importance of regional stability. The necessity of not only economic and trade relations but also cooperation in security and stability was underscored.

The meeting with President Nechirvan Barzani emphasized the significance of the bilateral relationship. Both Fidan and Barzani agreed on the need to enhance Türkiye-KRG ties, especially in terms of shared economic and trade interests and energy cooperation. The discussions also involved the KRG's oil exports, leading to an agreement on collaboration in this area.

Furthermore, the discussions with Deputy Prime Minister Qubad Talabani centered on strengthening relations and enhancing cooperation across various sectors. Existing disagreements, including those involving Sulaimani International Airport, were addressed. Both sides highlighted the importance of deepening and strengthening trade relations.

Hakan Fidan's visit to Erbil aimed at strengthening Türkiye's relations with the KRG and supporting regional stability. The discussions demonstrated a commitment to foster more profound ties between Türkiye and the KRG, emphasizing cooperation in trade, energy, and security.

Expectations after the Visit

The extensive discussions held by Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan both in Baghdad and Erbil signify a positive shift and potential deepening in Türkiye-Iraq relations. The diversity of discussions and the extensiveness of topics covered indicate a multidimensional approach to developing relations and establishing a more solid foundation between the two countries. Positive approach from both sides implies that a strategy of compartmentalization, separating the issues and dealing with them independently, will be utilized. In this context, it can be predicted that the first issue to be resolved will be the oil issue.

The emphasis on political, economic, and security cooperation between Türkiye and Iraq during the discussions in Baghdad highlights a willingness for joint action. Addressing issues such as the water crisis, counterterrorism, economic collaboration, and regional stability reflects a focus on mutual interests and a desire to find common ground. The presence of prime ministers, foreign ministers, and other officials coming together underscores that high-level communication channels are open and the importance each country places on the other.

The talks conducted in Erbil underline Türkiye's intention to strengthen its relations with the KRG. Discussions on economic collaboration, energy cooperation, and security matters reveal Türkiye's commitment to the stability of the KRG and regional cooperation. The discussions also highlight the intent to establish more profound ties with the KRG.

In this positive atmosphere, it is expected that new memorandums of understanding will be signed in the Ankara-Baghdad-Erbil triangle during the expected visit of President of the Republic of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan to Iraq in 2023. This situation will allow diplomatic activism to continue at an even faster pace. Therefore, this expected diplomatic activism will also be effective in the regional equation.

This comprehensive series of discussions has the potential to contribute to further cooperation, trust, and understanding in Türkiye-Iraq relations. The outcomes of both the Baghdad and Erbil discussions could aid in enhancing regional stability and cooperation, potentially leading to a significant positive momentum in Türkiye-Iraq relations.


The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rudaw.