Death of Mahsa Amini ignites global anger, calls for accountability

The death of the 22-year-old Mahsa (Zhina) Amini has evoked strong emotions, not only among Kurds in the Kurdish areas of western Iran (Rojhelat), but also across the world. Amini was beaten to death by the so-called morality police for not following the hijab rules. The theocratic regime in Iran has since 1979 systematically forced women in Iran to dress according to these rules which are used by the regime to control them. 

To ensure that women abide by these medieval rules, the Iranian state has the brutal morality police at its disposal. Women who do not follow the hijab rules are persecuted, tortured, and murdered, like Amini, in order to maintain the survival of the regime. 

Rightly, the Kurdish political opposition has called for a general strike and on the Kurdish population to protest against the regime. A large majority of Kurds have reportedly followed the call which is also a display of strength by these parties. 

Across most of the Kurdish cities in Iran, as well as in the capital of Tehran, people have opted for civil disobedience to express their dissatisfaction with the persecution and oppression of religious and ethnic minorities, which has been characteristic of the regime since 1979. 

The killing of Amini has evoked a strong sense of disgust and anger in the outside world towards an already unpopular religious regime. 

In Sweden, where I am a parliamentarian, the media is stunned by the brutality the regime has shown towards the body of a Kurdish woman. 
The regime has been caught red-handed and is guilty of this murder. Those responsible for this murder must be brought to justice. 

This regime has existed for far too long and the people of Iran deserve to be free and to live in a society based on equality and freedom. I can state that the Kurdish and Iranian women are determined to take control of their rights even if it costs their lives. The outside world - the international community - should stand by them in their struggle.

Amini may have died but ther name and memory will never be forgotten. She becomes a torch for all women in Iran who demand the right to own their own bodies. 

Kadir Kasirga a Social Democratic member of the Swedish Parliament. 

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rudaw.