Barzani’s Elysee Palace invite a sign of unfading French-Kurdish relations

International reaction to the election of Nechirvan Barzani as president of the Kurdistan Region has been a pleasant political surprise.

Congratulatory messages of support poured in for Barzani from all over the world, marking him out not simply as the president of a region or an ordinary state, but one of international distinction. The wide global support Barzani has received can be viewed as the beginning of a new political phase for Kurdistan on the international stage.

If political and economic stability can be maintained, Erbil will be able to capitalize on the strength and breadth of this support. Barzani will be able to use this support to reinforce the Kurdish position in Iraq once again. Iraq too can benefit from this strong international backing to strengthen its relations with the outside world - provided that the Iraqi government creates the appropriate conditions for this to happen.

Barzani will meet with French President Emmanuel Macron at the Élysée Palace on Wednesday. It will be a very special visit during which Barzani will reaffirm his gratitude to France for welcoming him at the Élysée Palace in December 2017, a move that broke the political and economic embargo imposed by the Iraqi administration on Erbil to silently dismantle the constitutional integrity of the Kurdistan Region and its government.

Macron has been impressed by the role Barzani has played. That is why, in his congratulatory cable, he described Barzani’s election as president of the Kurdistan Region as an ‘important phase’ for the Kurdistan Region and all of Iraq.

Relations between Europe and Kurdistan strengthened due to the war on the Islamic State (ISIS). These strong relations will continue in the coming years by virtue of Kurdistan’s strategic role in countering terrorism and protecting global security. Laying down the foundations of the oil and energy industry in Kurdistan and forging economic relations with Europe will further strengthen Erbil’s position.

Kurds remember the Élysée Palace fondly. Paris took its support for Kurds beyond political and economic interest when, in 1989, friend of the Kurds Bernard Kouchner took the initiative to propose a no-fly zone at the Kurdish Institute in Paris as a solution for the Kurdish problem, with the protection of Kurds in mind. Paris took the proposition to the UN Security Council, who later endorsed what became known as Resolution 688.
This resolution turned the Kurdish question into an officially recognized international cause for the first time, creating international guarantees for Kurdish self-administration. It took the protection of peoples from dictatorial regimes to a different stage in the world. It led to the introduction of a ‘humanitarian intervention’ initiative to protect people from repressive governments and was implemented in Yugoslavia and other countries.

Barzani and Macron will speak on Wednesday about the creation of international common grounds for the protection of global security and freedom in the aftermath of the war on ISIS. They will discuss the creation of the international strengthening of peaceful dialogue and the broadening of common interests in an unstable Middle East.


These two leaders believe in joint endeavors and in their mutual capabilities. It is the deep trust they have in each other that allows them to address questions so sensitive and profound.


Ako Mohammed is the CEO of Rudaw Media Network.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rudaw.