Kurdish family of seven killed in Turkey

Dilan Sirwan
Dilan Sirwan @DeelanSirwan
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — A Kurdish family of seven in Turkey’s Konya was killed on Friday, local media reported. The family had previously been victim of a reportedly racist attack. 

The Dedeoglu family, who lived in the Meram district of Konya, was killed on Friday evening, Mezopotamya Agency reported.

According to the outlet, the family of seven, including three women, was killed and their house was subsequently set on fire.

This was the second time the family was attacked this month. Family members told Rudaw at the time that their attackers were Turkish nationalists who did not want Kurds living in the area.

The lawyer of the family confirmed the deaths on Twitter. “The scoundrels murdered my clients. We warned them many times. They killed 7 people, three of whom were women,” Abdurrahman Karabulut said.

The governor of Konya said the family was shot dead. He vowed the perpetrators will be caught and brought to justice.
The pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) condemned the murders.

“In Konya the black and ruthless face of tyranny was once again evident. Fascists taking strength and courage from the state again attacked a Kurdish family and killed 7 people. We do not accept this,” HDP said in a tweet.

The Kurdistan Region Presidency also issued a condemnation: “We condemn the attack against a Kurdish family in Turkey and our thoughts and prayers are with victims’ family and loved ones. Those responsible for this senseless crime must be brought to justice.”  

This is the latest in a string of reportedly racist attacks on Kurds in Turkey. Earlier this month, one person was killed when gunmen shot at the car of a Kurdish family. In May, Turkish authorities arrested three people in connection with what was described as a “racist attack” in Mersin against a Kurdish family from Erbil.


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