Turkey: PYD-YPG have no future in Syria

Turkey's National Security Council (MGK) said on Thursday, according to Hurriyet Daily News, that the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) and its armed wing, the Peoples Protection Units (YPG), have no future in Syria. 

"It has been stated that neither the current regime nor any terror organization, especially Daesh [ISIS] and the PYD-YPG, should participate in constructing Syria's future," read a statement released by the body after the seven hour meeting. 

The meeting came after Ankara threatened to boycott the Geneva peace talks scheduled for Friday if the PYD were represented. The PYD haven't been invited. 

Turkey has also been adamant that the PYD-YPG be prevented from linking up their territory to their last remaining most westward canton west from Kobani and the Euphrates River, threatening to take military action against them if they attempt to.