SDF investigates identity of Istanbul attack suspect Turkey claims belongs to the force

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - A top commander from Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) told Rudaw English late Monday that they are investigating a claim by Turkish authorities that a suspect of the recent deadly attack in Istanbul is a member of the Kurdish-led force. 

A TNT-laden bomb killed six people and injured 81 others in Turkish city of Istanbul on November 13. Turkish authorities have blamed the People’s Protection Units (YPG), backbone of SDF, but the group has strongly rejected the accusation. 

Turkish security forces have detained 25 people so far. Istanbul police on Monday published the photograph of a man named Bilal Hassan with the flag of YPG in his background. It claimed that the man, believed to have fled to Bulgaria after allegedly aiding the main suspect Ahlam Albashir, is a member of the YPG, reported pro-government media.  

Newroz Hessen, a top female commander of the SDF, spoke to journalists during an online press conference late Monday. Rudaw English asked her about the alleged affiliation of Hassan to the SDF.

“We are investigating it but have not concluded because the Turkish state has just released this information,” she replied. “We also want to prove that we are not involved in things claimed by Turkey.”

She added that “ it is true that some people previously served in the ranks of our forces. Many Syrians have been displaced to Turkey and many other places. Some people could be accused of terrorism but they were civilians. Some people could be part of the revolution process in which everyone had taken part. They may have taken part in it but later left and lived their lives. Turkey sees everyone from here as terrorists.”

Days after the Istanbul blast, Turkey launched an aerial operation against the SDF in northeast Syria (Rojava). Ankara is also threatening to carry out a ground operation against the group.