Member of PKK military council killed in airstrike

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—A member of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) military council has been killed in a Turkish airstrike, the group said Saturday.

The PKK said in a statement that a member of its military council known by the nickname Varto was killed while three other guerrillas were wounded. 

The Kurdish group said that in the same airstrike three civilians including a child were injured.

Rudaw correspondent in the area said the Gali Balindan road has since been closed as a result of the Turkish airstrikes and many villagers have suffered damages to their homes and livestock.

Turkish jets targeted PKK bases in the mountains of Kurdistan Region Friday night after a ceasefire that lasted two years.

Kurdish President Masoud Barzani called on both sides to resume the peace process and resolve differences through dialogue.

“The Kurdistan Region will pursue every method to control the situation, and retroverting to the peace process is the best method of solution,” said a statement from President Barzani’s office.