Erdogan declares state of emergency

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has declared a three-month state of emergency. 

Speaking to the nation Wednesday night, Erdogan said he met with the National Security Council and together they decided to recommend a state of emergency be declared.

“The purpose of state of emergency is to be able to take most efficient steps to remove threat as soon as possible,” he said. “It will strengthen and protect democratic values and rule of law.”

He also commended the citizens of Turkey who heeded his call and took to the streets. “Citizens are occupying the squares on a democracy watch and their names will go down in golden letters in the history of democracy.”

Adding that, “Turkey proved its allegiance to democracy and the rule of law by paying the high price of the lives of its citizens.”

“This nation has the right to determine its own destiny. Everyone should know that.”

He assured the nation that the armed forces will remain under the command and control of the governors and, “As the president elected, as the commander in chief, I will attend to it so that all viruses in the armed forces will be cleansed.”

“My people, do not have any concerns. Turkey has overcome this challenge and will come out of it stronger by investing more,” he concluded.