Ankara: Turkish soldiers near Mosul transferred to different location

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – Turkish troops in Iraq’s Bashik camp have been transferred to another location, said Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Monday, refusing to reveal any further details for military reasons, Anadolu news agency reported.

Speaking to A Haber Channel on Monday Davutoglu said his country acted according to military necessities. “We have taken steps necessary for rearrangement as we mentioned in the statement issues by the Prime Ministry.”

Early Monday morning a convoy of Turkish military trucks was seen leaving Bashik.
According to Anadolu agency, the troops withdrew from the camp to another area in Northern Iraq. 

“Where they are dispatched, what happens to them, such activities are of military privacy,” Davutoglu was quoted by Anadolu as saying. He added that revealing further details might put their soldiers’ safety in risk.

The Turkish Prime minster stressed that their activities are still going on.
The Turkish government deployed troops to Iraq’s Nineveh province late last month and they are based at Camp Bashik near Mosul.

Information obtained by Rudaw showed the initial Turkish contingent consisting of 15 tanks, eight armored vehicles, 13 military vehicles and a number of trucks.

Baghdad has condemned the presence of Turkish soldiers estimated between 150 to several hundred as violation of its sovereignty.