Turkey arrests top ISIS official in Syria

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Turkish intelligence services arrested a top Islamic State (ISIS) official who was accused of planning a large-scale terrorist attack in Turkey during an operation within Syria, state media reported on Tuesday.

The MIT launched an operation to capture Kasim Guler, also known as Abu Usame al Turki, after they discovered that he was allegedly preparing to launch an attack by crossing the border from Syrian territory to Turkey, state-owned Anadolu Agency (AA) reported. Guler, who is suspected of being responsible for activities in Turkey, was listed among the most wanted terrorists by the Interior Ministry.

Turkey's wanted list is color-coded with red representing the most wanted. Other levels are blue, green, orange, and gray.

ISIS members are often arrested in Istanbul as part of counterterrorism operations, however this is the first red category arrest in the country, according to Anadolu

Guler held a senior position in the terrorist group, he was referred to as the financial officer of ISIS in Russia, Europe and Turkey.

According to AA, Guler was preparing to enter Turkey illegally.

Late May, they arrested eight suspected ISIS members in a series of operations in the city.

At least 26 ISIS suspects were arrested in Istanbul in April. Eighteen suspects were arrested in March, 16 of whom were foreign nationals.

Turkey is a member of the Global Coalition Against Daesh (ISIS), formed in 2014 after ISIS seized large parts of Iraq and Syria.

However, Turkey has been accused of financially and militarily supporting ISIS, according to a report from a former UN advisor, a claim that Ankara continually denies.