Turkish media: PKK bombing kills 14 policemen

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - At least 14 police officers were found dead and some wounded Tuesday in a roadside bomb attack blamed by state media on the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) on Tuesday, the Anadolu Agency reported.

Police were guarding customs officials during their commute to work in eastern Igdir province when the explosives were detonated, Anadolu reported.

The police convoy was passing through Hasanhan village on the road to Dilucu Border Gate on the Turkey-Azerbaijan border.

Operations are underway to remove the wounded from the bombing site.

On Sunday, 16 Turkish soldiers were killed in the Kurdish southeast by roadside bombs which Ankara has also blamed on the PKK. The attack took place in the town of Daglica in Yuksekova district. The bombs reportedly went off near two Turkish military vehicles carrying soldiers.

Turkey and the PKK have been locked in a three-decade conflict in which some 40,000 people have been killed. The conflict was re-ignited in June, after the PKK claimed responsibility for the killing of two Turkish policemen.

The resumption of hostilities ended a peace process between PKK and Ankara forged in 2013.