KCK denounces US bounties on PKK leaders as attack on Kurds

07-11-2018 7 Comments
Tags: KCK PKK Duran Kalkan Murat Karayilan Cemil Bayik
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ERBIL, Kurdistan Region – The political umbrella group of the PKK denounced US bounties on their top leaders as an attack against all Kurds. 

"This aggressive, political decision and stance issued against the freedom movement has no political, social, ethical, conscious, or universal truth basis to it," said the Kurdistan Communities Group (KCK) in a statement on Wednesday.

The US announced rewards for information on three senior PKK leaders on Tuesday: up to $5 million for Murat Karayilan, up to $4 million for Cemil Bayik, and up to $3 million for Duran Kalkan. 

The move came after two days of meetings with Turkish officials. 

The PKK is a named terror organization in Turkey, the US, and Europe. Ankara also considers Kurdish groups in Syria – the PYD, YPG, YPJ, and SDF – as branches of the PKK and has denounced US support for these groups in the war against ISIS. 

The KCK said that the US decision to offer bounties for its leaders is ideological, political, and against the entire Kurdish nation and democratic struggle.

It is a "conspiracy" that is a continuation of the one that resulted in the capture of PKK's founder Abdullah Ocalan, KCK added. 

"This conspiracy that they want to lead against PKK is aimed at derailing our struggle and reinforcing the occupying forces that wish to preserve their domination on Kurds," claimed KCK.

The PKK has engaged in a decades-long conflict in Turkey, fighting for greater political and cultural rights for the Kurds. 

The KCK claimed that “economic reasons” were behind the American decision and said Washington has “become complicit in the crimes of killer occupying forces." 

The KCK defended the PKK’s record – it has fought alongside Kurdish forces in the war against ISIS. 

"In Shingal, the PKK prevented the decimation of the Yezidi community, one of the oldest and most established of humanity, and gave a moral lesson to regional and international political forces," KCK stated, adding that they have also strengthened "brotherhood" between neighbour nations of Arabs, Turkmen, Syriacs, and Armenians, among others.

"The Kurdish nation, the nations of the Middle East, and all the democratic forces of the world should not remain silent against this baseless and unethical decision," KCK implored.

"In these days when calls for the freeing of leader Apo [Ocalan] and delisting the PKK from the terror list in Europe are taking place, our people and democratic forces should exhibit a strong stance against this attack on our comrades Duran Kalkan, Cemil Bayik and Murat Karayilan," added KCK.

"Against these attacks, aimed at eradicating the Kurdish nation, a strong struggle has to be waged.”


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  • 08-11-2018
    First-I do not like PKK and their ideology. I have always been suspicious that their leaders to be connected to Turkey's security apparatus. This is why they created an excuse for Turkey to enter south Kurdistan and Rojava. Why are you bringing trouble to other Kurdish regions if you are working for the Kurds? No. Also, I always disbelieved that US and Israel had something to do with Ocalan's capture. Now, I believe it to be true. As for the US, since PKK, or any Kurd ever harmed you or your citizen? You must really stupid to create more enemies for yourself to appease a war criminal and terrorist in Ankara, who should be now in Hague tribunal for his crimes against thousands and thousand of Kurdish civilian. You must extremely stupid to think that Kurds will just sit down and stay silent and let the Turks occupy north Kurdistan. You will only believe that it would be right to support Kurds when you escape from Turkey, leave all of your nukes and everything else their naked with a turkish porno magazine in your right hand covering your ass and leaving everything to the wrong people. US and Germany..please stop selling weapons to Turkey and support their killings of innocent people. Remember, will do everything to taking the last Turk alive to liberate our people and land from Turks and everyone else.
  • 08-11-2018
    Hishyar Zaxoy
    Another treacherous act by new Henry kissinger. Showing kurdish freedom leaders as wanted criminals.
  • 08-11-2018
    It is not an attack on Kurds, it's an attack on those who have harmed Kurds most. A bunch of terrorists that have caused 10s of thousands of peoples Death. Millions of Kurds have left their homes because of PKK, thousands are still in turkish jails. People all over Europé, at least their friends are being seen as terrorists. PKK have not achieved anything for our people, absolute zero. They have "fought" turks in 40 years without achieving anything. They have a propaganda factory that attacks everything and everyone that is worth something for us. They have zero respect for our culture and our language. They are the biggest cause of the cracks among us. They are totally uninterested of Kurds and Kurdistan. They live in a very weird dream. They believe that their leader is the smartest man on earth, he must never be questioned. They Think they will change Middle East. PKK is just a sect, a sect that it dangerous for its own people. There are thousands of turks within PKK, thousands. How are they thinking, how stupid are these people? Do they really Believe they will achieve anything with their stupid politics, by attacking US, Europé and everyone else in their media? PKK is nothing but sh't. I don't understand how they can be so brainwashed, so stupid. I hope they will kill all Three of them, I hope we will see the end of PKK very soon. PKK is just like cancer in our body. So please US, Catch them, send them to the bottom of the sea. For all PKK people, just Think about what they have done for you and you will just hate them. They have not done a single thing that is good for our people, nothing, just harmed us. So let them disappeare, let them die.
  • 08-11-2018
    Yet the PKK doesn't deny its terrorism
  • 08-11-2018
    US have become prisoner of Turkey and Erdo will keep backstabbing US in every opportunity as usual.
  • 07-11-2018
    I am sure PKK have done may wrong things the same as all the other nations freedom fighter, same as french revolutionaries against German occupation, American patriots against British occupation and so on.What makes one a revolutionary and the other a terrorist when both having the same principle and fighting to liberate and free their nation? When come to terrorising, who is more of a terrorist, the fascist regime of Turkey or PKK? Bounty hunting, Jailing and Killing Kurdish leaders on the pretext of terrorist charges will not finish off the Kurdish people. As one great revolutionary (Ernesto Che Guevara) said " I don't care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting"; Many great Kurds fell for their country and their people but many more greater Kurds picked up their fathers guns and still standing tall against all odds.
  • 07-11-2018
    Will the Kurds wake up by this back handed slap from the Americans? I doubt so.