UPDATE: Double suicide bombing kill 17 in Syrian Kurdish city of Qamishlo

ERBIL, Kurdistan Region—At least 17 people have been killed and 30 others wounded as a result of two bomb blasts in the Syrian Kurdish city of Qamishlo on Wednesday night.

An eyewitness in Qamishlo told Rudaw that the bombs went off at 10:05 pm at the city’s Christian neighborhood of Wista.

“An explosion took place near Miami café and power is out in the whole city right now,” the eyewitness said.

The second blast occurred in front of Gabriel restaurant.

Rudaw has learned that 7 people died at Miami café and two in front of Gabriel restaurant.

Both bombings were carried out by suicide bombers, sources in Qamishlo told Rudaw.

The café and restaurant are located in a part of the city that is under the control of Syrian government forces.

The first suicide bomber managed to enter the café and blow himself up, a local resident told Rudaw. The second bomber blew himself up in front of the restaurant.

Qamishlo is Syria’s largest Kurdish city and mostly under Kurdish control. The Syrian government has maintained some presence since July 2012.