One killed in Turkish heavy weapon fire on Syrian Kurdish town

QAMISHLI, Syria – Turkish forces fired on the Rojava town of Tal Abyad, killing one member of the Kurdish self-defence forces. 

The ruling Democratic Union Party (PYD) in Syria confirmed  the death, saying the member of the self-defence forces was shot by the Turkish army. A second member of the force was injured.

Turkey began firing with heavy weapons around 9.30 Tuesday night, Rudaw’s correspondent in Rojava reported. It is ongoing. 

The Turkish army opened fire from a military vehicle, targeting the gate of Tal Abyad, known as Gire Spi in Kurdish, according to local media ANHA news. 

One member of the Self-Defence Forces (HXP) was killed and another injured, according to the reports. 

Ankara considers the Kurdish forces in Rojava, northern Syria as branches of the PKK. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said that preparations were complete for a military offensive against the Kurds east of the Euphrates River. 

Updated at 11:45 pm